my keyUp message has disappeared

Craig Newman craig at
Tue Jun 21 14:16:28 EDT 2022

This is summarized from a couple of threads in the forum:

The "keyUp"message has disappeared.

This happened to me once before, several weeks ago, and trashing the prefs file fixed it. But now even that does not cut it. 

So a new stack in a new session has this in its card script:

on keyUp x
   answer x
end keyUp

Nothing. The message does not appear in the message watcher, though all its siblings, "keyDown", rawKeyDown" and "rawKeyUp”, all do.


Just trashed the prefs file, which worked last time.    Nope
Just tried with another version of LC (9.6.6).      Nope
Just restarted.      Nope.

I have never seen anything quite like this, the complete loss of a message.

I went back to v8.1 and tried the same handler in the card script. Worked! Then tried 8.6. Did not work. Went BACK to 8.1. No longer worked.

Something in my setup is doing this. I am not sure it is LC per se, though I cannot imagine what that could mean.


This works from msg:

send "keyUp" && "x" to this cd

I can set a breakpoint and trap the message, or not. I get something like "x56”.


Bernd mentioned that he noticed this issue if his message box was visible. He thought maybe that stack somehow grabbed focus. I mention this only because something is surely going on somewhere.


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