Stylistic question.

Brian Milby brian at
Sun Jun 19 17:06:37 EDT 2022

One reason would be if you were trying to use behaviors so you could manage your code with a repository like Git.  This would greatly reduce the number of behavior scripts that you would create.  One app that work on has the code in the stack’s behavior script.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 19, 2022, at 4:33 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I've noticed that in a lot of the example code I've seen recently, there's a bit of a common pattern.
> In the card script, there will be code like
> on mouseUp
>   switch the short name of the target
>     case "first"
>         doCommandFirst
>         break
>     case "another"
>         doCommandAnother
>         break
>     case "lastnotleast"
>         doCommandlastnotleast
>         break
>   end switch
> end mouseUp
> I've seen this in examples from Livecloud, Appli, the WebApp example from Steven/Michael, and a few other places.
> I would generally have put this code in each button (or other control) directly, and I'm wondering whether there are advantages or preferences for one of those versus the other.
> Thanks for any opinions,
> Alex.
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