Sorting cards problem, and a link

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Jan 1 18:45:28 EST 2022

Hi Alex, thanks so much for volunteering. There's a Dropbox transfer here:


The stack is huge, 8K+ cards. I told him he needs a database but he doesn't want to go there 
yet. In general it seems to work okay, at least for now. The stack was created 30 years ago in 
HC, he imported it to SuperCard, and now needs to move to LC. The original scripts were very 
minimal, I added a few more and cleaned up the visual appearance. I wrote an export script that 
he ran in SuperCard, and then imported the file to the new LC stack, creating cards along the way.

The HC and SC stacks sorted correctly. Only LC fails.

The first 13 cards always sort to the front of the stack which is where he wants them. They 
shouldn't, but they do, so okay. Go to one of the recipe cards and choose to sort by category.

  - The first 13 cards have no category so they don't move. Good.
  - The next cards, up to about 50, remain sorted by title
  - The following cards do sort by category, with each category alphabetical (good)

Sort by title seems to work okay. If you can't duplicate the above, sort by title first and 
then by category.

My question is, why don't "The Cheese Board" and "The Fruit Bowl" sort to the Ts when sorting 
by title? We don't want them to, but how come they don't? If you notice that Breakfast is out 
of order, it's because there's a space in front of the category name. He did that on purpose to 
keep it at the front.

I checked for spaces and other invisible characters in the title and category fields and didn't 
find any.

It's just weird. Thanks very much for taking a look, I'm at a loss.


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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