Datagrid internal error

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Aug 10 16:57:18 EDT 2022

Well the question came up if there was some limit on the number of records, and controlling the population of the datagrid would solve that. As far as the number of columns, I suspect there may be a limit on the number of *displayed* columns, and probably an issue with what characters are allowed for column names. Those things I am unsure of. 

Is it necessary to display *all* the data in the array, or can you use the datagrid as a sort of index to an array that is in memory, only populating the columns you need? 

The datagrid library is not protected, so if your app in the IDE throws an error and drops you into the datagrid library script in the debugger (mine does), then you can poke around in the debugger to see where things are going awry. 

Bob S

> On Aug 10, 2022, at 13:27 , Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I'm sorry, I don;t see what setting the dgData or dgText or dgNuberofRecords has to do with my original post - I get an internal Datagird script error when setting the names of the columns (see original post)

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