Encountering slow navigation to a card containing very large fields? Do this one simple trick

Jim Lambert jiml at netrin.com
Wed Apr 20 21:23:24 EDT 2022

> DavidG wrote:
> That is exactly it, Craig!  Text processing and field responsivity on the card containing the fields are as fast as I could hope.  
> It is simply navigating back to the card containing the fields that can take several seconds, depending on how much text is in the fields.  The workaround is to have invisible groups containing the field(s) placed on the card you are navigating from.

Here's another possibility.
Instead of using multiple cards, do the whole interface on a single card. 
Have different groups on that single card, each of which does the job of one of the eliminated cards.
In that way you NEVER NAVIGATE away from your data fields. They are simple present in a now hidden group.

For example, let's say your stack currently has 5 cards.
Card #1 is the card with the two data fields you describe.
Put those fields and any other interface elements currently on that card into Group #1 of the card.
Put the contents of cards 2 thru 5 into groups #2 thru 5 on card #1.
Hide and show groups where you previously navigated between cards.

Jim Lambert

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