Encountering slow navigation to a card containing very large fields? Do this one simple trick.

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sun Apr 17 09:48:39 EDT 2022

David V Glasgow wrote:

 > On 16 Apr 2022, at 8:20 pm, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> How many is "many many thousands of lines"?  10k? 100k? More?
 > Typically 30,000 to 800,000.

What is the user asked to do with 800,000 lines of data?

That is, does this need to be displayed?

 >> Is the data displayed in list fields, or must the line wraps be
 >> calculated?
 > The wrapped line field is locked and doesn’t change after import
 > and is unaffected by the  keyword-containing-lines process.  I
 > suppose a good question is are line wraps recalculated on navigation
 > to the card.

I'd guess that the card record is unpacked before rendering, which would 
include the controls, such as fields, and their contents.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems

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