IDE line number doesn't update

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Wed Sep 22 15:56:53 EDT 2021


 > I will post a series of reports to the quality list
 > and see which ones get bumped as duplicates of others.

No, absolutely DO NOT waste LC Team time with random info.
Re-reporting bugs carelessly (after not reading) would only do harm.

Many on that list had been reported and discussed for a long time.

That was a RECAP list of SE Bugs we've seen including this one.
For your benefit, to get you up to speed. Not a request.

 > They can’t fix what hasn’t already been reported.

Yes, that's what I conveyed to you in the email you did not read. :)
SE Line # not updating and SE Performance are separate, different bugs.

Once more: Is there a QA report for THIS Line # not updating issue?

SE Bugs Recap list again, just for FYI:

- Performance and practical script size limit.
- This one, line # updating.
- Messed up handler indentation.
- Disassociation of SE from script's object.
- SE window disappears if too many tabs.
- Excessive disk use (for HDD/antivirus)
- SE confusion about last insertion point/scroll.
- Weird text hilites in SE.
- Messed up drags
- Clipboard affected by SE editing
- Invisible menus in stacks while SE open
- Uncontrollable scrolling
- Null filter needed when pasting
- Certain errors do not trigger debugging
- (Unable to save changes due to above Disassociation)
- (Hard to set breakpoints due to above line # updating)
- SE sometimes doesn't notice a copy or paste keystroke
- "Find in>Docs" will not be noticed by newbies
- Sometimes either "on" or "end" gets clipped/disappears
-  (and there are more; this is a few)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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