Hi, I'm back for more fish - and a malware query

Neville Smythe neville.smythe at optusnet.com.au
Wed Sep 8 20:28:39 EDT 2021

OK, Bob S, so I have jumped through the small hoop and turned through 180 degrees. And I’m impressed even if you were not: that is to say, I am really impressed with the generosity and goodwill of the great people at LC.

Many thanks to those who urged me contact Heather and Kevin about  licensing, and I heartily echo the sentiment of Erik on the integrity of the company.

And now back to business: the very first compilation of a Windows standalone with my brand spanking new 9.6.4 provokes a malware alarm for the Trojan Sabsik.TE.A!ml on a Windows 10 machine.

I think it almost certain this is a false positive. My Mac reportedly cannot run or spread this particular malware, and I’m pretty sure the only Windows file on my Mac which could contain it (or rather the code sequence which triggers the alert) would be the Windows engine in LC9.6.4. Just to be sure, because no-one want to take chances with ransomware … has anyone seen or heard reports like this ?

Neville Smythe

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