Send a table in an email.

Rick Harrison harrison at
Wed Sep 8 12:41:38 EDT 2021

Hi Sean,

So you want the receiver of your emailed table to be able to modify the data in it.

I would make it an HTML email so you can allow the user to enter the data
directly into your server database table field.

That’s if I am understanding you correctly here.


> On Sep 8, 2021, at 11:05 AM, Sean Cole (Pi) via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> It's not strictly what I was asking as I am talking about the mimeEncode
> library. Plus it's a file that is then not easily selectable directly from
> the email. I just want to be able to display a small table of data in the
> email that is easily readable with a small footprint and using specifically
> the mimeEncodeFieldAsMIMEMultipartDocument(pField).
> Sean

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