Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

David Bovill david.bovill at
Thu Sep 2 10:23:53 EDT 2021

That’s an interesting idea.

I’m wondering if a bit of terminology is helpful here - there seem to be two distinct things that have been put together previously - community and open source.

The needs of the two are not always aligned - especially with LiveCode where an easy to use well documented and low cost community edition is not necessarily the sane as an open source software that might be quite geeky.

For me it makes more sense for LiveCode LTD to focus on easy to use products that are packaged for community and commercial use, while the open source aspect fits the needs of more specialised developers.

We could achieve both, that is your proposal for a non-app building open source version for easy introduction and learning of the language and something developers would find interesting to work on - if the focus was on the core of the language that runs on the server.

That way there can be a web experience which is accessible, but you would want to buy the commercial edition if you wanted to develop apps and leverage more advanced tools.

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On 2 Sep 2021, 14:51 +0100, Michael Kristensen via use-livecode <use-livecode at>, wrote:
> Hi there
> I suggest that there could be a Non-Appbuilding Community Edition
> That would be for personal use, and to learn coding.
> Michael
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