Stack with the same name loop
Mark Wieder
ahsoftware at
Fri Oct 8 16:28:28 EDT 2021
On 10/8/21 8:24 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
> Where did you find this script? I am pondering adding this to my "scripts to replace when I download a new version" list.
It's in revbackscriptlibrary.livecodescript.
Here's an improved version that avoids that double cancel.
on reloadStack pStackName, pFileName
if the filename of stack pStackName is pFileName then
toplevel pStackName
set the defaultStack to pStackName
local tFilePath, tFileLongPath
put the effective fileName of stack pStackName into tFilePath
put tFilePath into tFileLongPath
if tFileLongPath is empty then
put pStackName into tFileLongPath
put comma && pStackName & "?" after tFilePath
put pStackName & "?" into tFilepath
end if
answer warning "A stack with the name"&&pStackName&&"is already
open." & cr & "Before loading" && pFileName & ", what do you want to do
with stack:" & cr & tFilePath with "Rename" or "Save" or "Purge" or "Cancel"
local tAction
put it into tAction
if gREVSuppressMessages then
lock messages
send "revInsertMessageBlock" to me in 100 milliseconds
revInternal__UnloadLibrary "revNoMessagesLibrary"
end if
local tLockMessages
put the lockMessages into tLockMessages
switch tAction
case "Cancel"
exit to top
case "Rename"
ask "Enter a name for the stack in memory"
if it is not empty and it is not pStackName then
set the name of stack tFileLongPath to it
go stack pFileName
exit to top
end if
case "Save"
if the filename of stack pStackName is empty then
revSaveAs pStackName
revSave pStackName
end if
case "Purge"
revAOUpdateForDeleteStack pStackName
lock messages
delete stack pStackName
set the lockMessages to tLockMessages
go stack pFileName
end switch
end if
if there is a stack "revApplicationOverview" then
send "revNewStack the short name of stack pFileName" to stack
end if
end reloadStack
Mark Wieder
ahsoftware at
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