Broken: November use-livecode Archive!

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Thu Nov 18 13:13:48 EST 2021

The November use-livecode Archive has been broken
for around 20 hours:


It has many misparsed "No subject" posts,
and after those, no new emails show up.
No archived emails since "Nov 17 07:41:36 EST 2021".

People who are subscribed to the daily Digest,
like myself, will not be able to see any replies
or other posts until the next day's email Digest.

Luckily the email Digest still works, but
it's pretty crippled without the web Archive.

(Also I can't verify whether my email goes through,
so I'll be cross-posting to the dev-list
for that purpose. The dev archive still works.)


Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
Christian LiveCode Training and Consulting

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