"tsnet (1) Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed"?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Wed Mar 31 19:35:04 EDT 2021

Matthias wrote:

 > was there a change in the configuration of your web server recently?
 > Is your web service using php or LC server?

LC Server.  Hosting likely had changes, since this app has been in 
production for a long time without issue.

I believe the change most significant here is business success: 
Dreamhost apparently has a lot of customers and runs pretty packed 
shared servers  these days (reason #48 why I prefer VPSes). I'm guessing 
part of this is a noisy neighbor problem.

But I'd guess at least some of this is the interaction between 
Dreamhost's resource quotas and LC's wasteful boot process, in which 
most of the resources it consumes are for font init that I'd guess 99.9% 
of server scripts never need:

Another contributing factor may be the curl version tsNet has embedded. 
Some of the discussions I came across reference older curl versions that 
assume HTTP 0.9 by default and misreport that under certain error 
conditions if header info isn't parsed just so.

Is tsNet's curl version documented somewhere?
Does LC keep tsNet updated with the latest curl with each release?

 > I am not sure if this is of help, but there is a debug stack
 > available for tsNET. Maybe the debug information gives you
 > some more information.
 > https://downloads.techstrategies.com.au/tsnet/debug_liburl.livecode

Thanks.  It's using libURLSetStatusCallback and libURLSetLogField, so 
it's more or less like the one I'd already built into my tooling.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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