About the project - Team-xapi-in-LiveCode

Brian K. Duck bduck at mac.com
Sun Mar 21 12:40:27 EDT 2021


Sorry for the delayed response.

We’ve launched this project in support of the Spring 2021 xAPI Cohort, details on this free 12-week educational activity focused on the Experience API are available at xAPICohort.com, and it’s not too late to signup for the free learning sessions which allows access to our GitHub for project updates and the code repository.

The short answer is: there is more information in GitHub on our discussions page. 


However - As the team site on GitHub is part of the xAPI Cohort, new members wanting to participate (or just to view the code) must sign up for the xAPI Cohort to gain access to the GitHub and Slack, where you can request access to the GitHub for team-xapi-in-LiveCode. (Sorry this is so convoluted, were just seeing this limitation as we invite members of the use-LiveCode list to join the team GitHub.)

Our team page says:

We’re working with LiveCode developers to bring them into the cohort and will be working actively as a team during Spring 2021 Cohort to bring a LiveCode LRP to life. 

Initial Goals for #Team-xAPI-in-LiveCode 
1. Build a Learning Record Provider (LRP) for use as a baseline in other LiveCode Projects and publish to GitHub 
2. Utilize the LiveCode LRP to build example training content: likely using video profile, CMI5 or others.

There are weekly updates posted on the discussions page, and currently 4 different LiveCode projects posted in the code / GitHub repository page that document the LiveCode projects that have been posted.

Sent from my iPad,

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