sort container parameters

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Tue Mar 2 17:19:23 EST 2021

I found that you must us a "Do"(thank heaven for "Do"s) if you want to make variable any LC token that colorizes like "stack", "the", "field", "button", "put" or "ascending".

I don't think "Do" is a kludge is this case. 

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf Of Paul Dupuis via use-livecode
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2021 4:56 PM
To: use-livecode at
Cc: Paul Dupuis
Subject: sort container parameters

I just discovered much to my dismay that you can not execute the following:

put "ascending" into tDirection
soft lines of tContainer tDirection international

apparently neither the sort direction (ascending|descending) nor the sort type (international|text|datetime|numeric|binary) can be variable!

That means if you want to parameterize a sort direction, you have to do something like:

if tDirection is "ascending" then
   sort lines of tContainer ascending international else
   sort lines of tCOntainer descending international end if

I see this a a bug or perhaps a failure to fully robust impliment the sort container command? Does any one else see this as a bug?

I suppose I could work around it with a "do" but that seems like a cludge

do ("sort line of tContainer" && tDirection && tSortType)

Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? Am I expecting too much of LiveCode to have sort direction and type actual parameters?

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