How to deploy app from Mac to Linux (with Browser widget) ?

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Jul 22 03:52:30 EDT 2021

I've made a little utility that's been working for me on Mac (actually I've 
just been running it in the IDE). I wanted to share it with a colleague who 
uses Linux, so I selected Mac, Windows, Linux in the standalone settings, 
selected "auto-detect" for inclusions, built it.

Tested the standalone Mac app on my computer, works fine.

Zipped up the Linux64 package, sent my colleague the zip. She said "something 
froze and i cannot close it".

Two questions:

- do I need to do something special to package up the Linux app before sending 
it? Does my colleague need to do something special to install/run it? She's 
using "5.4.0-80-generic #90-Ubuntu".

- this uses the browser widget. I've seen something on the list about will we 
ever get CEF browser on Linux - but the widget was listed as for linux in the 
Standalone Builder,  and indeed a folder "CEF" is the bulk of the "Externals" 
folder that the Standalone Builder created. So I'm guessing that was an 
historical problem.

Please enlighten me!



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