[iOS] possible console bug

Andre Garzia andre at andregarzia.com
Mon Jul 12 08:49:27 EDT 2021

Hi Friends,

I’m writing here before I fill up a bug report because I don’t know if I’m doing things correctly. 

From what I remember, if we did a “put” to stdout, it would appear in the system log on iOS Simulator. Is that still the case?

I have an empty stack here with a button with the following script:

on mouseUp
  put “this doesn’t work.”
  put “it still doesn’t work”
end mouseUp

When I run that stack on the iOS Simulator, and select the “system log” menu item from the Simulator application, I can see a log of debug information but I can’t see any of my own “put” messages. No matter how many times I click the button.

Wasn’t that supposed to work?

This is MacOS Big Sur in a Macbook Air M1 running LiveCode 9.6.3-rc-1

Om om

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