"within graphic" question

Tore Nilsen tore.nilsen at me.com
Mon Feb 22 15:26:15 EST 2021

> 22. feb. 2021 kl. 21:14 skrev Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
> jbv wrote:
>> I have a graphic made of a list of points. This graphic is opaque
>> and invisible, its filled property is set to true (according to
>> the doc).
>> In my card script I have something like :
>> on mousedown
>>   put within(grc "mygraphic", the clickloc)
>> end mousedown
>> but it always returns false, even when I click
>> inside the clickable area of the graphic...
>> What am I missing ?
> IIRC invisible objects are removed from not only the rendering queue, but hit-testing as well.

Since the properties of the arc is available even if it is invisible, this will work though:

on mouseDown

put isWithin("myGraphic",the clickLoc)

end mouseDown

function isWithin pGraphic pClickLoc

if pClickLoc is within the rect of grc pGraphic then

return true


return false

end if

end isWithin

Best regards

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