Is there a better way to check if images are the same? I now use imagedata

William de Smet williamdesmet at
Wed Dec 29 04:57:12 EST 2021

Hi there,

Is there a better way to check if images are the same?
I now use imagadata.

In my app I have an example drawn image (5x5 matrix with dots, a Geoboard).
These dots are important because by touching them their Loc is used
(gStartLoc and gStartLoc)
Two dots will be connected by setting the points of the last grc to
gStartLoc & return & gStartLoc.
No problem here.

The idea is that the user copies my example on their matrix/geoboard by
connecting the dots.
To check if the made images (geoboards) are the same I make a snapshot of
both and compare the imagadata of these images.
Everything is fine as long as the user connects the same dots as the way
(length between dots) it is done in the example.
Then the imagadat is the same.

The geoboards can look the same but the connected dots can be different in
length so use imagadata to compare these is not the way to get it right.

Any ideas for a better way?



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