More Android woes

Klaus major-k klaus at
Wed Apr 7 13:17:19 EDT 2021

Hi all,

macOS 10.14.6, LC 9.6.2 rc4

Today i removed JAVA 9.x, installed JAVA 8
and "Android" on my Mac.

then after hours of despair (why on earth must this be so difficult?)
I could tell LC where the SDk etc. were.

But only with the help of this forum thread and a Bernard, thank you Bernard!

I checked "Do not sign" for my Android app/stack, if that does matter.

I created a virtual device and was so happy that LC finally started to compile
my stack for Android,  when suddenly I got an LC error saying:
Unable to build app for testing:
unable to locate play service dependency base version 9.0.4
So what am I still missing?
Anything else I need to install?

Thanks for any hint!



Klaus Major
klaus at

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