Converting from unicode to ASCII

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Wed Sep 23 02:22:08 EDT 2020

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Well, after my last posting the Bulgarian government will want my guts for
garters . . . but as the idea of the totally corrupt government wearing
garters made out of my
intestines is hilarious . . .

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 9:19 AM Richmond Mathewson <
richmondmathewson at> wrote:

> Personally I think deleting everything that is not inwith the ASCII range
> is potentially a bit dangerous [suppose ALL the letters
> in the title are not inwith the ASCII range], so I would favour using some
> sort of lookup table/substitution list.  Certainly letters such
> as accented 'e' can just be replaced by a 'common or garden e', but,
> consider Cyrillic for instance.  Of course a lot of this has to
> do with what sort of source files you are using [Hmong, anyone?].
> Most alphabetic languages have a standardise Latin transliteration
> standard and that is best adhered to, so, for instance:
> Ричмънд (in Bulgarian Cyrillic), comes across as 'Richmand' [OK, OK, OK,
> it's hilarious, but that's what you get when a
> transliteration standard is worked out by a committee of people who
> couldn't tie their own shoelaces (that's why they sit in
> committees)].
> Certainly, however WONKY a Latin transliteration scheme maybe both
> phonetically and in general, that should NOT need to
> be considered when it comes to file names.
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 6:43 AM Mark Wieder via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
>> On 9/22/20 7:58 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
>> >> Is this just a temporary filename (not long-term storage)?
>> >
>> > No, the stacks are uploaded to AWS and remain there, retrieved from the
>> > server on request. There are currently hundreds of them with more added
>> > frequently. That's why I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve
>> > changing all the file names, because renaming and re-uploading all
>> those
>> > files would be way too much work.
>> How do the files get retrieved? Is there a database or something similar
>> that stores the filenames? You could still use UUID filenames from now
>> on and not have to mess with the existing ones.
>> --
>>   Mark Wieder
>>   ahsoftware at
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