Possible : stack with transparent backgound?

Marty Knapp martyknappster at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 18:32:37 EDT 2020

I was just tinkering with this and it wouldn’t work until I changed the “import snapshot" from card to “import snapshot” from the group. But that’s a very cool trick! Thanks Jim.


> On Sep 11, 2020, at 11:04 AM, Jim Lambert via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> DavidB wrote:
>> the text and some other elements to be visible but the stack background to be transparent 
> Start with a card having a field and a button.
> 1. Create a GRC retangle the same rect as the card.
> 2. Set its opaque to false.
> 3. Set its linesize to 0.
> 4. Send it to back.
> 5. Group it with the field and a button.
> 6. Set the threeD of the Group to false.
> 7. Set both the borderwidth and margins of the group to 0.
> 8. Import snapshot from this card.
> 9. Hide last image.
> 10. Set the windowshape of this stack to the id of the last image.
> This results in the field and button 'floating independently' over whatever else is on your screen. That is, the rest of the card is invisible.
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