Textsize of label of copied btn changes

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Tue Oct 13 13:59:59 EDT 2020

William Prothero wrote:

 > I am copying a button from one card to another. The font size of the
 > label changes from that of the original to a large font and I can’t
 > figure out how to change the textsize of the label. I keep getting an
 > error.

set the textSize of btn "SoAndSo" to 14

The curious part is that it changed when you pasted it.  If you have a 
textSize specified for the card it came from but not the card it was 
pasted in, that would govern all controls that do not have their own 
testSize property explicitly set.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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