LC 9.6.0 RC1 Splash/Launch Images

panagiotis merakos merakosp at
Sun May 17 12:58:42 EDT 2020

Hello Graham,

The new storyboard mechanism has some restrictions as it is (we might
enhance it in the future)

For example it is no longer possible to have an exact (pixel) matching of
the splash screen and the first card of the stack as it appears on the

So the best suggestion now is to use a splash image that has just a logo at
the center and it is transparent, and also to set the background of the
splash in the standalone settings.

In that way, in all devices (ipads/iphones) you will get a centered logo
with the background you set in the standalone settings (or you can choose
to not set the background - in this case the default background color will
be used depending on the device appearance: white if the device is on light
mode and black if the device is on dark mode)

Of course, if you do not wish to have a splash that shows just a logo, you
can choose a regular image (or 3 regular images, one for each 1x,2x,3x
slots) and also set the background color to match the image background
color. In this case, depending of the device, the app will use the one of
the three images that is closer to the device screen size, and will center
this image to the screen.

This means that the image in some devices will either match exactly, or it
will be larger (in this case it will be cropped and the edges will not
show), or it will be smaller (in this case it will be centered at the
device screen, and the left/top/right/bottom areas will show the background
color that was set in the standalone settings.

One might ask, what size should the images be then? Well, it depends on the
images (i.e. how much content they have at the center, and if you are OK if
some of the content at the edges is cropped etc). A rule of thumb - as I
understand it - is the following:

-use a "small", a "medium" and a "large" image for each of the 1x, 2x and
3x slots, where "small" is the smallest image you used before the
storyboard, "large" is the largest you used before, and "medium" is
something in-between.

For example, you could try images with these dimensions:

- 1334x750
- 2208x1242 (x2)
- 2732x2048 (x3)

Hope this helps.

We will write a lesson for this topic soon.

Kind regards,

On Sat, 16 May 2020 at 17:49, Graham Samuel via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> This is not to answer my own question, but to emphasise the apparent
> difficulty of getting this aspect of creating an iOS app right just by
> using just LC and a reasonable graphics editor on a Mac. It means to me
> that a lot of careful instructions need to be provided by somebody in the
> LC universe, since the policy (I sincerely hope!) is to get LC developers
> to avoid getting deep into XCode. I found this, which frankly scares me.
>  Can anyone help me to a less nerdy way of getting this right? I don’t
> even know what a storyboard is!
> Graham
> > On 16 May 2020, at 00:40, Graham Samuel via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > I see that the iOS Standalone Settings have changed in this version, no
> doubt to accommodate Apple’s new rules. One is required to provide six
> images as “Launch Images” under the “Splash” tab. It seems that there’s an
> image, a 2x image and a 3x image, and then another three for dark mode.
> >
> > There is no tooltip to suggest how large these images should be - in
> previous versions they had to be tailored to different device screen sizes.
> Now it seems anything goes, or does it?
> >
> > Can anyone explain what the dimensions of these images are supposed to
> be? Does “2x” just mean twice the original size in each direction or what?
> Can’t see anything in the release notes, but maybe I wasn’t paying
> attention.
> >
> > Graham
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