Using OAuth2 with Microsoft API services

Ben Rubinstein benr at
Fri Jul 24 07:14:13 EDT 2020

This may be too obvious, but with OAuth on Google APIs I found I had to add 
(or was it remove????) a trailing slash on the redirect. Also that localhost 
didn't work. E.g. only one of

and definitely not

(I can't tell you which because I've currently got both with and without a 
trailing slash authorised on the Google dashboard, and I can't remember which 
was the one that did it!)

On 7/22/20 12:00 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

> Oddly, it appears as though we're authentincating fine as it is using
> shared secret, the only problem being that we're not getting the redirect
> to close the browser widget and return the auth code to us.

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