Livecode Community Site

David Bovill david.bovill at
Wed Jul 8 15:27:26 EDT 2020

Yes - I’m in. My only requirements are that it is done well. Like others have said time is limited, so for my part I only want to put effort into quality and innovative content. Let me pick through the suggestions from my point of view:

> > Please give me a quick reply
> > 1. If this interests you.
> 2. And If you would like to be involved with it

Yes, yes, yes.
> So I think that unless we are confident that there is enough interest,
> commitment and agreement on goals, we would be better off not even
> starting . Sorry if that sounds negative - but the last thing we need to
> do is to use up the rather scarce resource we have (i.e. our own time)
> on a likely-to-fail effort.

I’m personally confident of interest. This is in part because I know some interesting developers, and relevant content. Partly because I’m confident that the format can be done in a way that gathers interest. These positive aspects come with a potential difference of approach - one which puts content and cross cutting interests over an above a pure Livecode focussed site (see below)
> > Here are my goals:
> >
> > For to be a "modern" central hub for:

For my part that brand is not strong enough to attract interest. I also see several sites working together in a modern way - to that end I believe we should allow anyone to create their own community site and federate these in interesting ways.
> Not sure what 'modern' is (or whether I like it :-)  And central could
> mean 'one place for everything' which I think is not practical.

I agree 'one place for everything’  is not practical. My focus would be on ways in which federated sites can share content. So I see:

1. A podcast - that uses Livecode to add some interesting features, but essentially is something that any Livecode community site can embed and collaborate with.
2. A new container based community hosting solution - the solution I’d love to work on with people uses Traffic, Federated wiki, and Livecode server. Other container based services can be added with a few lines of code. I have a test community server up and running - and I think it would be good content to evolve that through the podcast and community meet-ups.
3. Exciting community content - new approaches to education etc (my focus is climate change and social projects).

> > (Up-to-date) Educational resources
> Yeah, could be possible.

There are a number of projects I’d like to include here. There is a good deal of innovative content to draw on, that we can enhance with features provided by Livecode tools. It’s all creative commons licensed, and would go with the podcast which will also be free culture licensed.
> > Code snippets
> > Sample Files
> Yes, definitely. I think there is a particular gap in this area
> (libraries) but I'll keep that for a possible later detailed discussion.

I’ve got a few libraries for this, and we could go through what is available in a community call. At the moment I use Gists, and Github API’s to save code snippets and projects from the IDE, and I use Federated wiki to document the handlers and code - however we could use Github wiki pages or other solutions. Again something better to demo in a community call than describe.
> > Events / Online & Live
> > Community Polls (to help livecode inc to understand us better)
> Yes - I'm sure there is interest for this, even if we are all not sure
> what we want, we really do want something.

> I think this is very important. A lot of the interest would come from communities outside of the Livecode developer community. I work with artists (musicians and film makers), and social projects (educators and people looking at social change) that are interested. They need software tools like Livecode, but their focus is on content.

How about doing a Zoom next week, and see where it goes. I’d be happy to present the docker based federated Livecode instance - with a quick demo of Github & wiki integration?

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