Mad Pink's Ultra Deluxe Control Panel Uber-Widget

Martin Koob mkoob at
Thu Jan 9 15:00:55 EST 2020

Hi Greg

Thanks for the tester stack.   Once I opened that then I could place widgets using the object menu > New Widget >  MPUberControlPanel.

I still can’t drag the icon from the built in tools palette  to a stack yet.  ( I have not tried with Power tools but thanks for that tip.  I am going to try it out.)

I have been poking around trying to figure out how it works.  I am interested in the ‘mixed controls’ option with buttons sliders etc. to create a horizontal tool bar.  I created a control with 5 columns and 5 controls but it seems that current all controls have to be the same size.   Are you thinking of have a width key in the Controls array so you could set some controls as wider i.e. a slider would be wider than a button.

I was trying to set the controls in the toolbar  to have different icons with some success. But entering the name of a different icon in the control’s array can result in syntax errors and the controls disappearing.  I know this is in beta state.  If I have time at some point to poke around more I will see if I can create with this widget.

Thanks for your work on this.


Martin Koob

> On Jan 8, 2020, at 2:58 PM, Greg (Pink) Miller via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> I added a stack "Test After Installation.livecode" to Github which
>> contains the widget, and has the same name as the builder test window, so
>> it will work in conjunction with ControlTester for tinkering. Please let me
>> know if that doesn't work in the meantime while I try and figure out the
>> rest.

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