empty variable

JB sundown at pacifier.com
Fri Jan 3 14:27:16 EST 2020

Is there a easy way to do a memory dump in Livecode?
Can I read the blocks of only memory for that variable?
In c the blocks are a array numbered from 0 to the size
of the variable which would be the length of the variable
in Livecode and you can access individual blocks and
that is how you write a null character to each block.

If you need to dump all of the memory on your machine
that might help but it would be better to dump only the
memory you want to look at.

Another thing to consider about dumping the memory is
the result are not always predictable.  If you did not write
a null character to each block of that memory when you
dump the memory it may not show up one time but will
be there in another dump.  That is why in c if you want
to put empty into a variable you can set the first block
to null and when you check the variable it will be empty
but in a memory dump the memory may be empty and
it may have some or all of the info in that block range
except the first block which is the one you set to null.
So the secure method you use bzero or a similar way
to set every block to null.


> On Jan 3, 2020, at 11:15 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> I think a memory dump and search of the contents is about the only thing you can do to be sure. 
> Bob S
>> On Jan 3, 2020, at 11:11 , JB via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> yeah,  I am not sure exactly what it means either.
>> Different ways of doing the same thing?
>> JB
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