iOS app denied: AVAudioSession

Dan Friedman dan at
Mon Aug 24 22:30:18 EDT 2020


Turns out, I was looking for the call for microphone consent in the wrong place.  I was looking at app launch, but it was appearing when using mergAVCamCreate.  So, I AM seeing the microphone consent even though I am not using the Microphone.   Here's what I'm doing:

on mouseUp  //a button on the card
    mergAVAudioSessionSetCategory "ambient" //Added this, but still getting the microphone consent
    mergAVRequestMediaAccess "video"
end mouseUp

on mergAVMediaAccess pType,pGranted
  if (pType = "video") and pGranted then
    set the returnTo of stack "barcodeScanner-iOS" to the long id of me
    open stack "barcodeScanner-iOS"
  end if
end mergAVMediaAccess

on preOpenStack  //stack "barcodeScanner-iOS"
  mergAVCamSet "rect",the rect of btn "scannerRect"
  mergAVCamSet "visible",true
end preOpenStack

Why would this bring up the microphone consent dialog?

Thank you!

On 8/21/20, 8:53 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Mark Waddingham via use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of use-livecode at> wrote:

    On 2020-08-21 16:39, Dan Friedman via use-livecode wrote:
    > Any thoughts?   Client is waiting for this post!

    The only difference between 9.6.1-rc-1 and rc-2 was the removal of some 
    no-longer-used references to an Ad SDK on Android. 9.6.1 was the same as 
    9.6.1-rc-2 (except for version).

    Apple update their review processes all the time, so it is possible they 
    changed something between the two app submissions.

    The most important question here is: Can you reproduce the request for 
    microphone access which Apple observed?

    If not, then you need to find out how they did and dispute the rejection 
    - it could be human error on their side...

    If you can, then it suggests that you might have some code buried 
    somewhere setting the audio category - or use of the video camera is 
    using a default category Apple doesn't like.

    Make sure you aren't asking for a video camera with both audio and video 
    - i.e. just audio only.

    Failing that, there is mergAVAudioSessionSetCategory - you could try 
    explicitly setting the category to "ambient" on startup.

    Warmest Regards,


    Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
    LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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