Playing movies in LC_ Docs??

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Aug 20 18:38:40 EDT 2020

Yes, there is a lot of information that circulates on the forums or 
lists or in people's head that probably should be in the LC documentation

In the LC9.x.x series, the Player supports any audio or video formats 
supported by Apple Video Foundation (AVF) on macOS - google the apple 
developer docs for AVF formats supported by macOS version. The Player 
supports any audio of video formats supported by DirectShow on Windows. 
Google DirectShow formats supported to find those.

NOTE while there is over lap, there are also formats supported only on 
one platform or the other.

Also, unfortunately, if you are planning on doing anything more complex 
that placing a video in a player and letting the user play it, you 
should search the LiveCode quality center for player bugs - there are 
many dozens. Some minor, some more serious.

On 8/20/2020 6:15 PM, William Prothero via use-livecode wrote:
> Folks:
> I’m building an app that needs to play movies. It’s a desktop app that I need to work on Mac and Windows. But, when looking at the dictionary and the lessons, all I get is references to Quicktime and the dictionary is hopelessly uninformative about what formats are required.
> I haven’t done this in a while. But, when I searched my emails from the users list, the most recent reference I have is 2016. What the heck? The dictionary entries are ancient and the lesson is totally useless. Sorry if I’m being critical about this, but “what the heck is up with movie players??”. Have I missed something? I really hope so.
> Best,
> Bill
> William A. Prothero
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