Livecode HTML5 and SQL
matthias_livecode_150811 at
matthias_livecode_150811 at
Wed Apr 29 16:01:09 EDT 2020
I have to correct myself.
The script works when i call an url that is on the same server as the html5 app is called from.
And more important parameters can also be used.
And as Sean already posted about a HTML5 library, it´s possible to use an HTML5 app with an api layer using LC Server or PHP scripts.
> Am 29.04.2020 um 21:00 schrieb matthias rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> If "post... to url" and "put URL..." would work, then it should work with HTLM5.
> But currently only load URL is supported.
> But to be true, i am not sure about "load URL.."
> I´ve used load URL only for downloading files in the past. I am not sure if the command can also be used with parameters in the URL. But why shouldn't it work.
> I´ve did a quick test today without parameters in the URL to just load an URL and display the returned data in a field.
> This script
> local tMyURL
> on mouseup
> put "start" into fld 1
> put " <>" into tMyUrl
> load URL tMyUrl with message "myUrlDownloadFinished"
> on myUrlDownloadFinished
> answer "Download Complete" &return &return &the cachedURLS with "Okay"
> set the text of fld 1 to url tMyURL
> end myUrlDownloadFinished
> worked in the IDE, but not in HTML5. While "start" was displayed in field 1, the returned data of the cached URL wasn't.
> But maybe i am missing something.
> Matthias
>> Am 29.04.2020 um 20:19 schrieb Devin Asay via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>:
>> That’s good to know, Matthias. So it seems that what you’d have to do is, still do the MySQL I/O in LC Server scripts, but also dynamically construct the HTML output in your LC server scripts, so that the calling HTML5 app could make sense of it.
>> Am I interpreting the situation correctly, Matthias?
>> Devin
>>> On Apr 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM, matthias rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
>>> I was also thinking about using LC Server or PHP scripts, but if i understand it correctly then "put URL" or "POST.. to URL" aren't currently supported in the LC HTML5 engine.
>>> Only "load URL" is supported and only for http / https.
>>> Matthias
>>> -
>>> Matthias Rebbe
>>> Life Is Too Short For Boring Code
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