Fwd: Mobile text input mystery

Graham Samuel livfoss at mac.com
Wed Apr 22 16:39:00 EDT 2020

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Graham Samuel <livfoss at mac.com>
> Date: 22 April 2020 at 22:14:37 CEST
> To: Mark Waddingham <mark at livecode.com>
> Subject: Re:  Mobile text input mystery
> Thanks Mark. Although making the field opaque wasn’t enough, giving it a black border worked and I can now see it. I can edit it with the mouse, and I can even put something in it with
>  mobileControlSet "FRadiusText", "text", "1.0"
> but despite executing
>  mobileControlSet "FRadiusText", "keyboardType", "numeric"
>  mobileControlDo "FRadiusText", "focus"
> following what the  LC Dictionary says , I do not see the soft keyboard, nor does a subsequent
>  mobileControlGet "FRadiusText", "text"
> ever result in anything but empty even though I can see a text in the native field object.
> But I can’t keep asking questions. I’ll just tinker as usual and hope to get a result.
> Thanks again
> Graham
>> On 22 Apr 2020, at 19:52, Mark Waddingham <mark at livecode.com> wrote:
>>> On 2020-04-22 18:38, Graham Samuel wrote:
>>> Reading your response, Mark, I didn't feel so bad, since the LC
>>> Dictionary says for example about mobileControlSet
>>> syntax: mobileControlSet idOrName, PropertyName, value
>>> and later explains
>>> idOrName  - the id or name of the control
>>> So I therefore saw the two ways of referring to the control as
>>> apparently interchangeable.
>> It is - apologies - the engine does look up both by id or name...
>> Do you see something if you also set the 'text' property?
>> There's also the 'borderStyle' property too.
>> My hunch is that something is there, but the background color is the same as the card, the border style is none and it has no content so it looks like nothing is there?
>> Warmest Regards,
>> Mark.
>> -- 
>> Mark Waddingham ~ mark at livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
>> LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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