Keyhole effect?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Apr 14 21:24:21 EDT 2020

Brian Milby wrote:

 > On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 5:32 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> Back in the day I could easily make a sort of keyhole effect, in
 >> which I used one graphic to obscure an image, and a second graphic
 >> on top as a mask to define a shape (such as a keyhole) through
 >> which I could see a portion of the image.
 >> It was done easily enough with inks.
 >> Inks that, it seems, we no longer have.
 >> So given the subset of inks we're now limited to, has anyone here
 >> seen firsthand an example of this in LC v9.x?
 > We had a discussion in 2018 about using a hex shaped grc to split up
 > an image (started by Richmond).  The key line there was:
 > set the backPattern of grc "hex" to the ID of img "box"
 > Since attachments and stacks were involved, I'm pretty sure it took
 > place on the forums.  I'm not sure if this will accomplish what you're
 > looking for though.  I can send a stack off list if you'd like to see
 > it.

Thanks, but the solution I'm looking for has to use inks.

I'm open to other things, but the mask needs to be a circle so a polygon 
is out, and backpattern won't work because of a bug/unsupported use (see 
the fine print in the Dictionary about the specific dimension 
requirements for backPattern, which turned out to be a problem for us).

So inks it is.  If it's possible now that the good inks are gone.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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