a QR Code reader for iOS and Android?

kee nethery kee.nethery at elloco.com
Mon Apr 13 19:06:15 EDT 2020

The dictionary in 9.5.1 Indy indicates mergeAVCam is ios and mac. Thanks for clarifying it is not mac.

Can you tell me the list of bar code types that mergAVCamBarcodeTypes() would return in ios? That list is not in the dictionary.

Am hoping that I can build something for Android and iOS that can exchange data between those devices using QR codes (assuming QR codes are supported by ios for scanning).



> On Apr 13, 2020, at 3:47 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> On 14 Apr 2020, at 8:30 am, kee nethery via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> I see that the Android Barcode Library can scan QRcodes. That’s great.
>> I see that mergeAVCam can scan barcodes of various types for ios and mac as specified by mergAVCamBarcodeTypes(). I could potentially use these two libraries to scan any QR code.
>> On my Mac when I run "put mergAVCamBarcodeTypes()” in the message box, it returns an empty list. Does that mean that Livecode can’t scan any barcode type on my Mac? That seems bizarre. 
> mergAVCam is not supported on mac since we have the camera control in the engine.
> Last I checked the AVFoundation barcode detection was not implemented in the macOS version of that framework either but it seems it has been in Catalina so I’ll raise this internally as a possibility.
> Ideally we would extend the android barcode scanner widget to be cross platform.
> Cheers
> Monte
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