AW: Answer dialog enhancement...
Paul Dupuis
paul at
Wed Apr 1 14:46:17 EDT 2020
So I have a working mechanism to add a "Don't Ask Again" check box to
the existing standard Answer Dialog on the fly. I offer it up to the
community for anyone who needs it and for anyone who may want to improve
the code. The scripts are below. There is a sample usage you can place
in a clickable button and below that is a BEHAVIOR script that must be
in button whose name matches what is used in the clickable button.
This is the first time I have really found a use for the "before" and
"after" handlers. What a great addition to LiveCode!
Essentially, I add a behavior to the card of the standard "Answer
Dialog" that positions and cleans up the Don't Ask Again check box AFTER
the proOpenCard handler has positioned everything else AND a BEFORE
mouseUp handler to trap clicks for changing the checkbox hilite that
would otherwise close the dialog and return a clicked button name.
I needed to set a number of properties for the checkbox because the
preOpenCard treats ANY button in the Answer Dialog like regular buttons
and hides those not in use by making them 1px in size and moving them
off screen. I may not have needed to change every property I did, but I
didn't have the time to go through the Answer Dialog card script to
determine exactly what properties those scripts were changing that I
needed to reset.
I think it would be great in LC, Ltd. could fold this into the standard
'answer' command some how.
-- Sent when the mouse is released after clicking
-- pMouseButton specifies which mouse button was pressed
on mouseUp pMouseButton
dontaskagain "on"
answer warning "Some message I may not want to see again." with
"Cancel" or "OK" titled "A Message"
put it into tAnswer
put dontaskstatus() into tDontAskAgain
dontaskagain "off"
put "Don't Ask is:"&&tDontAskAgain &&"And button clicked is:"&&tAnswer
end mouseUp
command dontaskagain pActivate
switch pActivate
case "on"
set the behavior of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog" to the long id
of btn "DontAskBehavior" of this cd
case "off"
set the behavior of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog" to empty
delete btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog"
end switch
end dontaskagain
function dontaskstatus
if exists(btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog") then
put the hilite of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" into tDontAskAgain
return tDontAskAgain
return false
end if
end dontaskstatus
after preOpenCard
if exists(btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog") then
set the style of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to "checkbox"
set the autoHilite of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the opaque of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the threeD of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the showBorder of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the hiliteBorder of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the height of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to 25
set the width of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to 120
set the bottomLeft of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to the bottomLeft of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog"
-- setup the templateButton
set the style of the templateButton to "checkbox"
set the label of the templateButton to "Don't Ask Again."
create btn "DontAskAgain" in cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog"
reset the templateButton
set the style of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to "checkbox"
set the autoHilite of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the opaque of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the threeD of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the showBorder of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the hiliteBorder of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to false
set the height of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to 25
set the width of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to 120
set the bottomLeft of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to the bottomLeft of cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog"
end if
end preOpenCard
before mouseUp pMouseButton
-- if the target is the check box, check the box and do not pass mouseUp
if the long ID of the target = the long id of btn "DontAskAgain" of
cd 1 of stack "Answer Dialog" then
set the hilite of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack "Answer
Dialog" to not (the hilite of btn "DontAskAgain" of cd 1 of stack
"Answer Dialog")
exit to top
end if
end mouseUp
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