DataGrid question...
Niggemann, Bernd
Bernd.Niggemann at
Wed Apr 1 09:28:29 EDT 2020
This is a modification of Jaque's script to get the row and column of a locked tableField when the user clicks in a cell.
Use tableField whose lockText is true. Set its script to
on mouseUp
put "Row:" && word 2 of the clickline into tRow
put "Col:" && getColumn(the clickH) into tColumn
set the itemDelimiter to tab
put tRow &cr& tColumn & cr & "ClickH: " & the clickH into field "fRes"
end mouseUp
function getColumn pClickH
put the tabstops of me into tTabs
put the num of items in tTabs into tNumStops
if tNumStops > 1 then
put last item of tTabs - item -2 of tTabs into tTabWidth
put item 1 of tTabs into tTabWidth
end if
set the itemdel to tab
put the num of items in line 1 of me into tColumns
if tNumStops < tColumns then -- add missing tabstops
repeat with x = tNumStops+1 to tColumns
put comma & (tTabWidth * x) after tTabs
end repeat
end if
set the itemdel to comma
put the hScroll of me into tHScroll
put the borderwidth of me into tBrdr -- tested from 0 to 4
put the leftMargin of me - 3 into tLeftMarg -- tested from 4 to 12
put the left of me + tBrdr into tLeftAndBorder
put tLeftAndBorder - tHScroll - tLeftMarg into tLeftOfItem
put tLeftAndBorder - tHScroll + tLeftMarg + 1 into tRightOfItem -- + 1 is a fudge
put 0 & comma before tTabs
repeat with x = 1 to the num of items in tTabs
if pClickH > (item x of tTabs) + tLeftOfItem and \
pClickH < (item x+1 of tTabs) + tRightOfItem then
return x
end if
end repeat
return empty
end getColumn
In my testing it works for changed borderWidth and margins, hscrolls and vScrolls
If you want to test it take a regular field, set its name to "tf", set its script to above script
and from a button apply this
on mouseUp
put "1,2,3,4,5,6" into tLine
put empty into field "tf"
replace comma with tab in tLine
set the itemDelimiter to tab
repeat 6
put tLine & cr after tCollect
repeat with i = 1 to 6
add 6 to item i of tLine
end repeat
end repeat
delete last char of tCollect
lock screen
put tCollect into field "tf"
set the hGrid of field "tf" to true
set the vGrid of field "tf" to true
set the hScrollbar of field "tf" to true
set the tabStops of field "tf" to 77
set the lockText of field "tf" to true
unlock screen
end mouseUp
Kind regards
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