Stacks and Sub Stacks
Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
brahma at
Fri Sep 27 23:29:17 EDT 2019
Thanks for answers of "how to get a list of all stacks?"
put revLoadedStacks()
put the mainstack
all good! But, they return different results....very interesting... stackInUse does not include some stacks reported by "revLoaderStacks()" both lists have their use cases... but
the mainstacks return all stacks, including those in use by the Rev/IDE... less useful
with stacks more and more use as "views" in an MCV architecture. They do not appear in "stackInUse" but the DO appear in revLoaderStack(). That is a useful distinction.
No one answers the other question, so I will ask it here, as it goes to Message Hierarchy
"put gotSomeFruit() into tBanana"
where " gotSomeFruit ()" is among the functions/handlers is found among "stackInUse". ie. You DO get an returned result from the function.
But, sometimes, in the Script Editor, "Get Definition" is dimmed.
Is this a known bug?
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