OT: Catalina - the end of ad hoc & in-house development?

prothero at earthlearningsolutions.org prothero at earthlearningsolutions.org
Sun Sep 8 10:37:55 EDT 2019

With respect, I agree with Paul’s comments. We live in an online environment where we are faced, on a daily basis, with criminal activity. The worst of it can cost us financially, but even major players like Amazon record our behaviors and choices, for their profit, with disclosure statements too long, so most folks don’t read them. I get several phone calls every day from folks from “who knows where?” trying to get my personal info so they can access my bank account.

It is sad, I agree, that it is more difficult to make an app that we want to send to our friends, because of Apple’s security requirements. But, suppose someone distributes an app to your friends with malware and claims to be you? When there is so much info about each of us available already, spoofing as anybody else isn’t so hard. Clicking on nefarious links is common and the innocent staff of public agencies have inadvertently let ransomware into their workplace, costing big for their employer.

I get frustrated too, about the ever changing Apple requirements that make it harder for me to share my apps. Mathew’s signing app is a wonderful contribution that will make it much easier.

So, my mindset now is that we live in a swamp full of alligators and that protective clothing, while hot and uncomfortable, keeps me and my friends safe(er).

Have fun,

William Prothero

> On Sep 8, 2019, at 7:10 AM, Rick Harrison via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> That may be exactly what happens next if the big guys continue with their nonsense.
> More developers will rebel and leave their platforms altogether in favor of Linux.
> Just my 2 cents.  :-)
> Rick
>> On Sep 8, 2019, at 2:55 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> If you want a developer platform use Linux
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