drag'n'drop in text fields

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Tue Oct 29 13:39:01 EDT 2019

Hi Brian,

> Am 29.10.2019 um 18:34 schrieb Brian Milby via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
> In those cases the selection change is a side effect of something else.  The user isn’t changing the selection, the user is doing something else that changes the selection.  As this thread covered, the textchanged message is sent.
> I think it fully makes sense to only send one of those two messages.  

noone wanted to do that. 8-)
I replaced "on selectionchanged" with "on textchanged" and that solved my problem.

> Otherwise just about every key press inside a field would generate 2 messages.
> Thanks,
> Brian



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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