launch & quit
Paul Hibbert
paul at
Sun Oct 13 15:44:37 EDT 2019
I’ve used quit before on Mac with no problems, so I tried a few tests and it still seems to work fine for me (even with your mismatch variable tError/tErrormEssage).
I tried both with and without generating a deliberate error and it quit straight away, so I’d guess there may be something else causing the delay.
One thing I did notice was that when testing in the IDE the app being launched is brought to the front, but in a standalone the app being launched stayed in the background until I changed the quit command to:
send “quit" to me in 10 ticks
This seems to give the app time to launch and come to the front, but the time seems to be be dependant on the size of the app, I tested with another standalone, and Apple Preview.
Tested in LC9.0.5 & LC9.5.0 - same results.
Hope you track down the issue.
> On Oct 12, 2019, at 13:28, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I have a stand alone with a card with a button with a mouseUp handler
> on mouseUp
> -- some stuff
> -- tApplication variable contains a path to another standalone for OSX or Window depending upon what platform() this standalon is running on
> launch tApplication
> put the result into tError
> if tError is not empty then
> answer error tErrormEssage
> end if
> quit
> end mouseUp
> On Windows, the designated application launches promptly and my app quits immediately.
> On OSX, the designated application launches promptly and my app waits way too long (a minute or two) before quitting.
> Standalone built for OSX and Windows on Windows under LC905
> Anyone have any experience like this? Any ideas on what to do to get the OSX version to quit when told to quit?
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