Building Android Apps

Peter Reid preid at
Wed Oct 9 07:25:56 EDT 2019

I've been building Android apps using my iMac for some time. However, yesterday I started to get an error message "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE]" when I try to build an Android standalone app. Any ideas what's causing this and how to fix it?

Separately I'd like to be able to build Android apps on my 15in MacBook Pro so I can do on-the-fly fixes when out and about. However I can't find up-to-date instructions for installing Android support. Some searches produce various suggestions including LiveCode tutorials about setting up a Mac to work with LiveCode and Android but they all seem to be out of date and contradict each other. In addition there's no advice for how to get to a clean state of Java and Android.

Can anyone point to up-to-date details for setting up a Mac to create Android apps with minimal installation of supporting technologies, both as a clean set-up and how to clean up JDK and SDK support if necessary?


Peter Reid
Loughborough, UK

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