De-Combine: stupid question number 4732

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Oct 9 08:55:16 EDT 2019

Richmond wrote:

> So: I have a socking-great multidimensional array that I display in a 
> table field by using
> combine
> as in:
> combine myGUFF using return and tab
> put myGUFF into field "completeGUFF"
> but then I realise I want to go on working with my array "myGUFF"
> but as it has been turned into some sort of delimited text variable
> I need to convert it back to an array . . .

Multidimensional arrays don't lend themselves well to tabular 
presentation or the split/combine commands.

But if all you're looking for is display, would the tree widget help?

You can assign any array to the widget's arrayData, with some handy 
options in the Inspector for how things are displayed.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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