Where do we want LiveCode to go? (was "Re: Where LiveCode is Now")

JJS jjs at krutt.org
Mon Oct 7 15:35:00 EDT 2019

by the way scroll a bit down, you'll read: 53% of the website visitors 
will click away if it does not load within 3 seconds.

Think again about the html5 export...too slow to load.

Then you are better off writing a html page yourself and add html5 stuff 
in it, mucho faster

Op 7-10-2019 om 21:31 schreef JJS via use-livecode:
> mmmm, while on the other hand you can put something extra on your 
> website and it can be installable as a webapp on your mobile, so that 
> it becomes faster than ever to load.
> https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps
> Op 7-10-2019 om 18:18 schreef Bob Sneidar via use-livecode:
>> Because Apple is no longer going to accept apps that are nothing more 
>> than a web portal.
>>> On Oct 5, 2019, at 05:47 , R.H. via use-livecode 
>>> <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> Let us face the fact that today's browsers are capable of almost
>>> everything you want to do with a rich application. Why should I develop
>>> even desktop applications and mobile apps if pretty much the same 
>>> can be
>>> done in a modern browser? OK, it only has a single page interface, 
>>> but do
>>> people care? Already, even in LC, I am mostly developing for single 
>>> page
>>> interface design anyway and do not use separate windows.
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