Give a bug a hug

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Sun Oct 6 02:49:45 EDT 2019

On 6.10.19 2:19, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode wrote:
> <snip>
> Because yes, bugs are created

Indeed they are:

this is all something to do with the law of unintended consequences,
the double-effect argument and so on.

I certainly DON'T believe in people at LiveCode central deliberately 
creating bugs.

Consider for a moment how complicated a beast LiveCode is, and realise how
inter-connected so much of it is . . .

. . . I suffer from chronic back-pain, and I could have an operation to 
sort it out,
even supposing I escape the 40% chance of ending up in a wheel-chair, 
there will be
all sorts of side-effects . . . in fact my favourite orthopaedic surgeon 
(who is taller than
me and also suffers from chronic back-pain) spent a "pleasant" couple of 
hours totting
up the negative consequences of getting rid of the excruciating pain 
that hits us both
once every one to two months and deciding it just wasn't worth it.

There is even the distinct possibility that sorting out certain 
particularly pernicious
bugs in LiveCode could give rise to more bugs.

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