Where do we want LiveCode to go? (was "Re: Where LiveCode is Now")

R.H. roland.huettmann at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 08:47:50 EDT 2019

I always appreciate Richards insight and clear expressions. Thank you

What do we really want LiveCode to be?

Honestly, I would enjoy LiveCode to replace JavaScript and would put this

And, of course, I know, this will not work.

Let us face the fact that today's browsers are capable of almost
everything you want to do with a rich application. Why should I develop
even desktop applications and mobile apps if pretty much the same can be
done in a modern browser? OK, it only has a single page interface, but do
people care? Already, even in LC, I am mostly developing for single page
interface design anyway and do not use separate windows.

Probably, any other language faces the same dilemma. Maybe it could be
possible using LiveCode to translate LC source code to source code in
JavaScript? But probably not, since JavaScript heavily relies on the DOM in
the browser and LC basically has nothing to do with a browser and its

So, I am out of ideas.


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