Recommended specs for Windows Development computer.

Martin Koob mkoob at
Thu Oct 3 13:48:12 EDT 2019


I need to buy a new desktop PC to be used for LiveCode development including using the new camera control and the player as I am working on a cross platform application for Mac and Windows. 

I have been developing the application  on on a Mac to this point but need to have the PC for testing and debugging in a Windows environment. 

Being a Mac guy I am not sure what I should look for in a PC— processor, speed, RAM, etc. I bought a cheap desktop  PC, an Acer AXC-230 a year or so ago for that purpose but that is painfully slow. So I don’t want to make that mistake again. 

With the comments on speed problems on Windows in the earlier thread I don’t want to get something underpowered. 

Any suggestions? What are people using?

Thanks in advance. 

Martin Koob

Sent from my iPhone

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