"empty" background in printed pdf is actually grey

Dr. Hawkins dochawk at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 20:27:41 EDT 2019

On Nov 1, 2019, at 4:37 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Untested, but maybe setting the opaques to true and the blendlevel to 100? A bit counerintuitive, but ya never know...

No less intuitive than there being fundamental technical reasons that it was necessary to sacrifice small animals to SCSI chains, which I accepted long ago :)

The result is curious . . . the outputted pdf is now *entirely* grey, yet when merged through PyPDF2, a single renege field appears from within the grey (the only field the I hadn’t set to not be opaque, I think.  Or perhaps it’s the only one with a white rather than empty background.

Still, though, the grey of the livecode file blocks the pdf beneath it.

I’m printing each LC page with 

set the backgroundColor of otCd to empty

set the opaque of group "oGrp" to true

set the blendlevel of group "oGrp" to 100

set the blendlevel of otCd to 100

print otCd from otTl to otBr into 18,18,576+18,756

(where otCd is the card with my LC fields, all contained within group ogre). (otto and otBr hold the top left and bottom right of group ogre)

Just what are you suggesting should get a blend level?

Or would it make sense ()or be necessary)if I just printed each  field into its own coordinate?

And a bit of further testing shows that the field that appears after merging is actually a region which contains two fields and the space between them,  and is apparently shown the background pdf in this limited area (but not the contents of these fields.

Now my head is spinning . . .  anything more  you can tell me beyond what the dictionary says would help, as my head is spinning . . . 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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