Player object controller bar

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun May 26 20:24:54 EDT 2019

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My goodness… You are right. I wasn't aware of all those options!

I was puzzled by the fact that I had a tape that was speeded up. In Audition it is was normal. Huh! I must have hit fast forward button in advertently, not knowing what it did.  

Unfortunately,  the fast forward and rewind (setting the playrate) 0nce you speed it up, there is no key that restores it. Fortunately I have a "resume" button, that set the playrate to 1.  That is the only way "out" once you speed it up with the controller. Did you find a modifier key that sets the playrate to back to 1?

Paul: "My goal is that a LiveCode Developer should NOT have to play around or discover or experiment to find out what the built in capabilities of a built in object are."

There a "ton" of stuff unexplained in the dictionary. I struggle with it regularly on numerous so-called "features" that I have trouble with. And yes there at ton of fiddling to figure out how it should behave. In real time… it can take days of playing with a "feature" sending queries to Elanor…waiting for a response and very poor architecture you develop due knowing not the "proper" way to do something.

That could be dispatched "right now" with a thorough definition, with examples, in the dictionary and we would get our code right from the "get go".

I glad to hold of this now before i start on a movie annotation module.


Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
    >>If you are on Pause, the Forward and Rewind arrows step forward or 
    >>backwards by  frame
    >>If you are on Play, the Forward and Rewind arrows fast forward or 
    >>rewind (currently not working under Windows in LC904/5)
    >>Play and Pause toggle between one another
    >>Dragging the thumb changes the current time
    >>However, Alt (Win) or Opt(OSX) clicking forward or rewind arrows 
    >>jumps you to the end or start respectively
    >>I'd like to know what other modifier key in combination with visible 
    >>controls do what? Without having to try every possible combination of 
    >>keys and clicking.
    >Another example, SHIFT Clicking on the Forward/Rewind area changes it 
    >to a blue slider, which does WHAT?
    >I can find no documentation on the player's object controller bar. I 
    >assume it must exists, but I just can't find it.
    I stand corrected (a tiny bit) as I finally found this among the 
    LiveCode Lessons:
    It actually has an annotated picture (at 
    of the controller and the sparse notation:
    "The controller that appears at the bottom of the player allows the user 
    to start and stop play back(1), control the volume(2) and move to a 
    certain point in the sound file or movie(3,4)."
    And, yea, I probably could have tried every key and click combination in 
    the time I have spent searching for documentation :-(

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