Question for LCB FFI workshop attendees at upcoming conference

Paul Dupuis paul at
Tue May 7 13:21:37 EDT 2019

On 5/7/2019 1:14 PM, Paul Dupuis wrote:
> On 5/7/2019 9:35 AM, Trevor DeVore via use-livecode wrote:
>> This is for anyone who plans on attending my workshop on using FFI in 
>> LCB
>> at the conference. Is there any code (a macOS Framework, Windows API, 
>> DLL,
>> dylib, etc.) that is written in Objective-C or that has a C wrapper that
>> you are interested in wrapping with LCB in order to make it available to
>> LiveCode?
>> If so, let me know in a response to this thread and I can take a look 
>> at it
>> before the workshop to see if I can include it.
> I would love to see a sample LCB wrapper for PocketSphinx!

I should have added, even just the minimal of a LCB library where I can 
write a script like:

on mouseUp
   ask file "Please select a WAV audio file to convert to text:" with 
type "WAV Audio FIle|wav|WAVE"
   if it is empty then exit mouseUp
   put sphinxTranscribe(it) into fld "Text"
end mouseUp

where sphinxTranscribe takes a WAV file and used PocketSphinx to return 
the transcribed text of the audio using the default settings.

Just that bit would be a boost t getting into further LCB development 
around pocketSphinx.

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