Mobile slider control

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Mar 22 01:36:52 EDT 2019

For scrollbars I use scripted native (i.e., mobile) scrollers. You can 
set them to show their scrollbars or not.

Indetermine progress bars can be replaced by the LC spinner widget, and 
an animated gif also works well. For determinate progress bars, it isn't 
too hard to create a graphic that grows in width periodically. I also 
like Android's determinate progress bar, though I haven't tried to 
reproduce it yet:

Little arrows aren't seen on mobile much. On iOS they are replaced with 
"steppers" which could be created using LC's segmented control pretty 

On Android, increment counters are usually just plus and minus buttons 
on either side of the control or field they affect. If you do an image 
search on "android increment counter" you can see examples. Here's one:

On 3/21/19 6:34 PM, Devin Asay via use-livecode wrote:
> So native LiveCode scrollbars (sliders, progress bars, and little arrows) look really bad on mobile devices. Has anyone produced a widget or just a scripted replacement for them?
> Thanks,
> Devin

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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